Engineering Management
Engineering Management
Every successful railway project requires a high degree of engineering assurance, R England Ltd can support your projects through both design and construction phases. We have experience of both CRE and CEM roles,delivery of NR/L2/INI/02009, risk assessment & assurance. We can help set up project delivery processes and documentation to track progress of design deliverables, construction progress, Construction Phase Plans, Work Package Plans, Inspection and Test plans and Entry Into Service deliverables.
Engineering Assurance
With ever more stringent requirements, it is essential that projects have a robust assurance process. This starts with the IDC/IDR process and ensuring integration between disciplines but once designs have been issued for construction a robust assurance plan will make the entry into service process less problematic. We have experience in producing easy to navigate assurance plans and documents; this can be from identification of ITPs through to full validation of entry into service/as fitted values of heights and staggers in accordance with the system design parameters.
Design Assurance
R England Ltd can support our clients with their OLE designs, whether supporting a feasibility study through to full independent checking of design submissions. We have experience of submission of all OLE deliverables in accordance with NR/L3/ELP/27406 & NR/L2/ELP/27311 including production of fully broken down bills of quantities.